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One of my favorite applications using this method is to make customized bowls for clients who want either a personalized piece or one made of a special wood. Within certain size limitations I can inlay names or a date into the interior base of a bowl amid a contrasting background. Or if there is a cherished tree that has come down or needs removal, I can create a special bowl or vase from a salvaged piece or cross section to turn into an heirloom keepsake. If you have an idea for a noteworthy occasion or a special piece of wood I’ll be happy to work with you.
I made this piece from antique heart of pine salvaged from a barn in Georgia c. 1810. When held up to a light the resin pockets glow a beautiful amber color. 20” diameter.
This piece is of maple and maple veneer for my nephew and his bride. it’s about 12” dia. and 4” H.
Their names in Hebrew, composed of a mosaic of maple, cherry, walnut and mahogany veneers are inlaid into the base layer. Letters actual size.